School Performance
EYFS Profile - Reception
At the end of their reception year, all pupils will be assessed against the 17 Early Learning goals. The purpose of the EYFS profile is to support a successful transition to year 1. Children are perceived to have achieved a good level of development (GLD) if they are at an expected standard in the EYFS curriculum areas of Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development, Communication and Language Development, Literacy and Mathematics.
Phonics Check - Year 1
Year one pupils will take the phonics screening check. The check is produced by the Standards Teaching Agency and is administered by all schools in June of each year.
Multiplication Table Check - Year 4
The multiplication table check (MTC) is taken in early June by all children in year 4. The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics.
SATS - Year 6
In May each year, children in year 6 undertake Standards Assessments Tests (SATs) in reading, writing and maths, and in grammar, punctuation and spelling (GPS). These tests are administered in all primary schools across the country in order to measure attainment and progress of learners.