

At Danegrove School we aim to create a positive and enthusiastic environment in which Maths is accessed, experienced and explored by all children. We aim to develop a set of key skills that can be confidently taken into adulthood.

We want to build a clear and consistent approach to Numeracy across the school for teachers, parents and children. In doing this, certain areas of Numeracy have stood out as being essential for building a solid platform of understanding.

A visual and concrete approach to early number

It is essential that the children’s early experiences with number are very visual. Using a wide variety of objects to help build mental images of number in children’s minds is very important. A hands-on approach to exploring concepts goes alongside this and is an essential stepping-stone before more formal written methods are introduced. It is our role to provide these opportunities for exploration and to support it with the introduction and consolidation of mathematical language that helps children to explain their ideas clearly.


In all areas of Mathematics children are given the opportunities to ask questions and explore different methods and strategies in their approach to Maths. They are given time to explain what they are doing and given the chance to listen to different opinions. It is not just important to be able to give an answer but to be able to explain how you have done something or why you have chosen a particular method.

Identifying key areas to ensure teaching and learning is thoroughly explored

Key areas of Numeracy such as: Number bonds to 10 and 20, place value, times tables, fractions and the four operations are identified, taught in depth and revisited each year to ensure a deeper understanding. Key mathematical language is identified and used regularly to support this process. A consistent approach when using column methods in all four operations is used throughout the school. In our books using squared paper, we place any exchanged digit in the next box available in the top left-hand corner. All teachers use this across the school (Please see Calculation policy for examples). This consistency is aimed at supporting less confident mathematicians.

Bar modelling

Bar models (creating pictures/ visual representations of a Maths problem) are used throughout the school from Year 1 onwards and is an important part of helping to support children with their problem solving.

Teaching in blocks

Numeracy is taught in large blocks of work following the starting sequence of: place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. This is followed, where appropriate, by fractions, decimals and percentages. The focus of Maths is 75% Number and the other units of work are fitted within the remaining time or through starters.


Maths is taught with a variety of approaches: games, early morning work, arithmetic and mental maths, reasoning, investigations and formal written methods.
The Calculation Policy starts with the Foundation Stage booklet ‘An introduction to Number.’ The early exploration and experiences with number are covered there.

Maths assemblies

Each week there is a Maths assembly on Windsor Drive where certificates are given out to celebrate mathematical successes across each class and there are games played to help embed the idea of Maths being a fun and positive subject.

Maths Hub

So that children can really get the most out of online learning, we have created our own maths hub filled with games and challenges for children to enjoy. These are available in a variety of languages and difficulty. Click here and head over to our Maths Hub to get started!

Useful Links & Info